Profile PictureRitambhar Das

Detailed Customer Avatar Template

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Detailed Customer Avatar Template

Wanna know the most common mistake Founders and Entrepreneurs make while selling online?

Most of the time, they don’t even know they are making it.

But when they realize… it’s already too late.

In fact… I can bet my life that… a founder is making that mistake RIGHT NOW, and they are not even aware of it.

They are getting ready to introduce their product to the world (course, webinar, consultation, app/software, or even a physical product)

They have…

  • Purchased a good domain
  • Acquired a fast hosting provider
  • Hired a brilliant web designer
  • Made it SEO-optimized
  • Invested in the latest sales funnel software
  • Set up email campaigns
  • Created stunning images

And now they want to run ads… to get traffic.


They missed… or I shall say… maybe ignored one of the most critical components.

That is…

Deeply understand their customers.

The worst part is… they think they know their customers… but actually, they don’t.

You see…

having a detailed understanding of your customers, can be the difference between winning and losing in your business.

Yet many online business owners fall into the trap of believing… that just by acquiring rudimentary data like age, gender, or even the location of their customers… is enough to win and grow their business.

Which is simply not true.

If you want your messages to stand out… you have to know and understand your ideal customers like your spouse (I doubt if most people even do that).

You have to enter the conversation already going in their head.

If you don’t, then you cannot possibly create content that your target audience resonates with.

Now… if you run ads… either of the 2 things can happen.

  1. You will lose all your money and shut down the project completely.
  2. You will get a few customers... but at a loss. And if that continues... you will be forced to close down the project.
  3. If you try organic marketing... you will quit within 15 days (because of no results)… eventually closing down the project.

So either way… if you don't get any results… you will quit (or never expand your business).

How can I be so sure?

Because I have seen it happen more than I can count.

That’s why I have put more than 100 hours into creating this customer avatar template… so that… you can visualize your ideal customers, have a direction to follow… and rapidly GROW your business.

Once you complete the template… you will be able to…

  • Create content that your audience would love consuming
  • Deeply understand their fears, problems, desires, and wants.
  • Optimize the best of your marketing budget
  • Boost revenue and conversions
  • Build trust, authority, and loyalty among your customers
  • And finally… implement marketing strategies that generate profits.

The best part is… you have to create your customer avatar just ONCE.

That’s it.

I won’t lie… it won’t be an easy process.

It will take time and demand a lot of your energy.

But once you complete it…

You will be 10 steps ahead of your competitors, and be in a position to dominate the market.

So, go ahead and grab the customer avatar template today.

You got this.

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No more shouting in the void. Talk to your ideal customers directly.

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